Wire Rope_Ropes Course_Zipline Cable: 1/4" Wire Rope
1/4" Galvanized Zipline Cable
China Cable: $.46 per foot
Korean Cable: $.54 per foot
Our Galvanized Aircraft Zip Lining Cable is made in accordance with Federal Specification RR-W-410D, meeting the dimensional and strength requirements of MIL-W-83420D. We offer high quality import cable from Korea & China as well as domestic cable to Mil Spec 83420D. Available in a variety of put-ups.
China Zipline Cable: Some types of cable are only galvanize after the cable has been spun together. China does not have any standard or regulations over quality control. They don't have anyone inspecting the cable after it has been dipped and galvanized to make sure it meets specifications. China Zipline cable will rust sooner, break quicker, and not provide the long term stability for longer or heavier ziplining cable.
Korean Zipline Cable: Korean Zipline cable is made to a high standard. Each strand of cable is individually galvanized before it is spun together. This insures a better resistant to rust and other harsh elements. Korea has a high standard and regulations on their quality control, each spool of cable is individually inspected to make sure it meets all specifications. We recommend Korean zipline cable over Chinese zipline cable for these very reasons.
BEWARE of sites selling cheap zipline cable, always make sure it says Korean.
1/4" Cable is recommended for zip lines up to 200'
5/16" Cable is recommended for zip lines up to 300'
3/8" Cable is recommended for zip lines up to 1,000'
1/2" Cable is recommended for zip lines up to 2,000'
We do not recommend going over these length for safety reasons.